Saturday, May 31, 2008

So, Where You Are... Is It Raining or Sunny?

Here's That Rainy Day

Maybe I should have saved
those left-over dreams;
but here's that rainy day.

Here's that rainy day
they told me about
and I laughed at the thought
that it might turn out this way.

Where is that worn-out wish
that I threw aside,
after it brought my lover near?

Funny how love becomes
a cold rainy day;
that rainy day is here.

Funny how love becomes
a cold rainy day;
that rainy day is here.

----- as sung by Frank Sinatra


Rainy Day

I'm going to save you for a rainy day.
When I get the blues that just won't fade away,
I'm going to dig you out if that's ok.
I'm going to save you for a rainy day.

I'm going to need you but I don't know when,
I've got my hands full now, but then that's not to say
Things will always be that way.
I'm going to save you for a rainy day.

Ever since I was a girl at school,
There's just one thing I would always do:
I would save the best for last.
You are the sugar at the bottom of my glass.

Lovers come and lovers go,
Some say they don't need you, some won't let you go.
Well I know our love will never fade away.
I'm gonna save you for a rainy day.

----- as sung by Phoebe Partridge


As for what the weather is where I am... I'll let you guess. ;)

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