Sunday, May 04, 2008

Music & movies

J2 is home for the summer. We've already figured out how to share our limited men's bathroom space. That's a good sign. :) I also got the el cheapo wired router hooked up so that he can access the internet from his computer in his bedroom. I think I can live with this nasty cord in my office until September.

Went with the boy Sunday to the new Iron Man movie. Yeah, baby! Cool gadgets, high body count, sophisticated hero, pretty women.. what else do you want in an action picture? Or in real life for that matter. :) Oh, wait.. not the high body count. Unless you're a professional soldier of fortune or something similarly whacked out.

Slate Magazine (the e-version) said that Robert Downey, Jr. plays Tony Stark, the Iron Man alter-ego, "as the Oscar Wilde of superheros, a dissipated roué who seems weary of his own charisma." Hm. Sounds vaguely familiar somehow. ;)

I think I need to write a haiku on dissipation. Then one on being a roue', and then another on charisma. Although.. I may have to bring in a consultant to truly understand the last two. :P Or do I have that order wrong? Hm.

Screened some more film at church in the "Reel Jesus" series. This time it was "Jesus", a made for TV movie from 1999, "The Last Temptation of Christ" (the Scorsese film from 1988 - again!), and "Jesus of Montreal" a movie from 1989. The focus was on the scenes of Jesus' temptation by the devil in the wilderness, and the amount of screen time spent (and artistic license taken) with a passage that, by verse count, is really quite short.

Of the four gospels, the count of verses dealing with Jesus' temptation number exactly 13, 11, 2, and 0. But the directors were fascinated by it. You know.. the hero presented with difficult moral choices.

Hey. How about mine? I got some beauties. Wanna make a movie of those? I choose against my conscience as often as with it. And remorse? I got that in spades. My life has dramatic tension. Have your people call my people, we'll talk.

Plus tonight, a private screening (for D and J2 - she was interested, he was ambivalent) of last year's hit indie rock musical "Once", anticipating a concert by the two co-stars coming up on Wednesday night. It really is good music and a poignant story. There's one spot in particular where I just can't keep my cheeks dry. It's as if it somehow becomes very real and personal. :(

The rest of the weekend (besides the time I spent studying, and cooking, both of which I actually made time for; the grilled tuna steaks in a mint/garlic marinade were.. wow! although next time I think I'll use salmon - it's cheaper) was spent at the college taking in concerts. University Jazz Orchestra & Vocal Ensemble Friday night, an international touring boy's choir Saturday night, and the best of the lot: the University Handbell Choir and Mens' Chorus Sunday afternoon.

Handbells - they're not just for High Mass anymore. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Once because it didn't end conventionally and it was pretty much good music throughout. Watched it back home over Spring Break.

and yes. we should probably talk sometime. In June. or before move in and after the Sierras.

give my regards to J2 and "she."
see you maybe in December... (sounds like a long ways away doesn't it)

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