As I hoped, the trillium were in bloom. The woods was shot through with them and their little trinities of white.

The lake was lovely, and took on different character depending on the time of day and weather (which was pretty great - rained only at night, and was mostly mild and pleasant.)

The grounds were well maintained and full of spring flowers, the food was great, and there was loads and loads of time to read. I haven't read recreationally since Christmas! :)
Plus, there was both a little time and a little inspiration to write; an example follows.

So it was a lovely weekend off the grid. If you can call it that. True, no internet and no wireless, but.. there were electric lights and flush toilets. And gourmet coffee. ;) So, it was somewhat civilized.
And speaking of civilization, we did haul it into the bustling burg of Medford to find a drugstore. Sometimes you meet with a need that simply wasn't anticipated in your travel bag, and.. um.. I'm sure there's a natural remedy for it, but I don't think I want to know. :P
When faced with the temptations of the big city, I admit we did succumb and take in a movie. A small town like that didn't have an art theatre (you could barely call what they *did* have a theatre at all), so it wasn't an indie movie. It was an Indy movie. :)
Mmmhmm. The new Indiana Jones misadventure. Not quite as campy as Pirates of the Caribbean, but nearly. Harrison Ford did old guys proud, too. He did some pretty good stunts for a 65 year old, and still cut a rakish figure here and there. Yes, some of that is due to a personal trainer and makeup, but still, since he's 13 years my senior, I'm convinced I have a few good years in me yet.
Speaking of that, I packed my running shoes and ran two miles through the wilderness on Saturday. Ugh. Twigs and rocks and dirt paths tend to ruin your time. As do ridiculous hills. Both ways! You not only practically crawl up them, but you have to brake coming down them to avoid spilling on loose gravel. So, as soon as I got back I headed for the indoor track to bolster my self-esteem. Yeah, man. Better. :)
Anyway, a lovely weekend, and now... one more paper to polish and turn in tomorrow, and I'm free for the Summer. Yay!
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