Friday, May 02, 2008

A good start

... to May. :)

Despite the opening verse of the song posted below (which, by the way, may just be my new theme song... thanks, J2), it *was* a good day yesterday, all around.

And it promises to be a good month, too. The first half at least. And that's about as far as I can see right now.

Beyond that, there's still kind of a fog on the horizon. For the second half, and on into June, I can only hope for good at this point, and that the fog will lift, giving place to sunshine.

However, I am working on living less subject to the day-to-day swings of circumstance and more to the long-term steady upward path to peace of heart. Small bits of progress so far, nothing dramatic; I do still need help (which I'm getting) to get to a long-lasting shalom.

It'll come. :) I'm sure of it.

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