Friday, May 23, 2008

Off the grid

for the weekend.

Beyond the reach of the internet, past the boundaries of wireless, deep into the north woods we go. The trillium will all be in bloom, and the woods will be shot through with little trios of white.

When the workday ends today, I answer the call of the wild. Er.. mostly. I reserve the right to bring canned soda. And my iPod shuffle. ;)

For years the whole family went to this camp up north for the Memorial Day weekend. Gosh, the memories. :) Mostly of rain and cold. Almost every year (or it seemed that way when the chilluns were small and whiney.)

Yes, there were some lovely nights by the fire, with s'mores. And hayrides and craft lessons and puppet shows and singing, and early morning coffee while they were all still sleeping.

Plus there was ice cream after dinner (good dinners, too - food tastes better when you're outdoors a lot), and cribbage and bog walks (yuk) and run/walks and ping-pong and air rifles.

Well, anyway, this year D & I go back by ourselves. No kids.

'Bout time! :)

They're doing what grown kids do - struggling to move into adult life. We, on the other hand, are looking forward to a break from it. :) Less "doing" and more "being". Should be nice.

And for those of you still on the grid this weekend.. see you around - maybe on Monday night sometime. I can only take so much of being unplugged. ;)

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