Friday, March 09, 2007

One down

Heard from the recruiter last night.

Now I know which Twin Cities. :)

And it won't be an easy transition, financially or otherwise. Hopefully, though, it will be a fulfilling and internally rewarding one. The picture is clarifying, anyway. I keep the strong focus on grad school and direction toward a new career, and have a weak focus on the day-to-day job and old career.

Can I be in a classroom by Fall of 2009? 2010?

It's never happy news to get turned down. No one wants to be rejected. Even if all it really is, is a clarifying by God of His direction for your life, you still take it personally and look for the flaws in yourself that made you unwanted.

You'd think, being male, that a lifetime of asking women for ... whatever it is men ask them for ... and getting routinely rejected in one way or another, kindly, neutrally or harshly, that it would be easier to handle. It isn't - at least not for me.

These are the few days in my life when I envy thick-skinned people.

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