Saturday, March 17, 2007

Made it!

Flew back last night through ice pellets bouncing off the airplane wings. Only a half hour late, and one of the smoothest landings ever. Whew!

Every half-hour the pilot would come on the intercom and give us an update on the condition of the runway where were would be landing, specifically to assure us that the "braking action appears to be good".

Yikes! Would he have said something if it weren't? Like... "the braking action is highly questionable, the last two planes that tried to land are now in a pile at the end of the runway by the cow pasture... but buckle up, everybody, we're going in!"

Good thing I parked in the covered ramp at the airport - no cleaning off the car. But the drive was so icy that I couldn't make it into the garage last night so sometime I have to think about going outside. Just not today. :)

I have homework to do!!! It's my last day to turn in assignments and try to preserve my A in NT102 "Emergence of the Church".

Really good trip yesterday. The job options are clearer, they seem like things that I could do okay for a few years, the people there seem interested in having me, etc. By mid-next week, all the details should be worked out, including transition terms and a start date.

I may even be able to sign up for a class during the summer term! Wow, who would have thought I'd ever be excited about going to school in summer? :)

Wonder if the seminary has air conditioned classrooms? ;)

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