Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sprinkling & Spe Salvi

Well, this was something new.

At Mass yesterday, the priest prayed a blessing over a bowl of water, and then while the choir was singing a number, took a pine bough and went through the congregation dipping it in the bowl and shaking it out at the people, who then made the sign of the cross as they were sprinkled with .. holy water, I guess? That's what they call it after the blessing is asked?

I had heard of the practice, but had never seen it. Boy, I'l tell you.. these Catholics really do worship with their bodies, and use all kinds of physical aids to the process. It's really something. Definitely appeals to the senses. :)

But what in the world is this for? This sprinkling?

Fortunately the sponsor St. Rose's assigned to me happened to be there today, singing in the choir, so I caught her afterwards and asked. She said it happens occasionally, and is meant both as a blessing (a setting apart as holy) of the people, and a reminder of their baptisms and the vows that were said for them.

Oh, and I saw something else new recently. The local Catholic weekly had some quotes from the new encyclical on hope by Benedict XVI:

"Christ's sacrifice overturned the pagan worldview of the early Christian era. In Christianity's new vision, the universe was governed not by the laws of matter but by a personal God who revealed himself in the person of Jesus Christ."

"And if we know this person and he knows us, then truly the inexorable power of material elements no longer has the last word; we are not slaves of the universe and of its laws, we are free."

Amen, brother. You sound pretty solid there. :)

Um.. may I call you brother?

I don't know the protocol. But I'd bet you wouldn't mind *that* much.

If you ever come to the Twin Cities, and you're still up to it after the long trip, we could go bowling and talk this sprinkling thing over..

Oh, and just for fun.. the pastor at church this morning, true to form, had another crazy introduction to his sermon. They ran this video clip as a run-up to a discussion of joy during the holidays. I can't remember laughing this much in church in a long time. :) If you watch, stick with it all the way to the end.. ;)

I wonder if Il Papa his own self would laugh. :P Hope so.

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