Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mary, Mary..

..and the saints. Topic of the night last night in RCIA. It's the first time I've seen one of the instructors get a little testy! I had to give him a hug afterwards. :)

I think they sold me on the "communion of saints" idea, the way they view it - which is basically the church being made up of all those who are "in Christ", both those currently living in the flesh and those who have departed. Our fellowship with other believers doesn't end at physical death.

As Jesus taught: "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." And so the communion of saints is ALL of them, past and present. Even the Old Testament faithful are swept into this definition. Okay so far. Now, the "prayer to" part..

They used the word pray in the Shakespearean sense, a'la: "I pray thee, good fellow, go with me a mile." In other words, a request. Not worship. If there is fellowship among all the saints, those on earth and those departed, then there's no difference between asking a friend or relative sitting across the table from you to pray about this or that concern of yours, and asking a departed saint to do the same. We are in fellowship.

At least that's the theory. :)

We talked about the idea of taking on a "confirmation name", a second middle name, to indicate a saint whom you respect and want to develop a relationship with over the course of your life. Sort of like naming a child after a grandparent, out of respect (which, by the way, is what they mean by veneration.) I asked if you could choose an Old Testament person for that. "Sure, happens all the time."

Good. :) Any guesses as to who I have in mind?

Now, on the subject of Mary, and the hyperdoulia as they put it: "extra special veneration".. I think I'll hold that until part 2. Suffice it to say right now that.. I'm not on board yet. :)

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