Monday, December 10, 2007

A heart for God?

A few weeks ago the pastor of the new church we're attending preached a sermon on the life of Daniel, one of the few people in Scripture who didn't seem to exhibit any flaws, and one of the three (along with Noah and Job) whom God, through Ezekiel, singles out as righteous. He's also one of the few prophets whose teaching Jesus refers to by name.

Shortly after he preached that sermon we exchanged get-acquainted emails, and I pointed him to a recent post of mine on the up-and-down life of King David, and how I relate both to it, and to the things he wrote. Thought it might make a good sermon on how NOT to get through mid-life.. ;)

He responded like this:

"I enjoyed your 'take' on David's life. Yes, he was certainly complex. And, as you well stated, the trajectory of his life certainly leveled off in his mid to later years. What's so interesting is that from his reign on, he's still considered the 'gold standard' of kings. Most every other king in the OT gets compared to him. Whatever he was, his 'heart for God' continues to be the compelling legacy of his life."

And you know, I hadn't thought of it like that. Despite his

fears and failings,
losses and lustfulness,
sadness and selfishness,
apathies and abdications,
rebellions and recklessness,

(preachers do like alliteration - poets, too!) his heart for God still was evident. God used that heart, still hungry for Him, to rouse David again and again to worship, zeal, duty, courage, and even joy.

I wonder if He can use mine to do the same. I already know all about David's flaws.. could I also have his heart?

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