Thursday, December 20, 2007

Meet and Greets

... by big cheeses in from out of town, business dinners with the same, last-second meetings (rescheduled 3 times), projects suddenly popping up in priority, working through lunch to meet a new deadline, drive-by delegation by your boss, online systems locking down for year end maintenance, holiday candy and cookies on decorated tables down every hallway (and more boxed Swiss chocolate than I've ever seen in my life), new software being pushed out to users, bringing visits from Microsoft's "blue screen of death", passwords expiring and resetting, drop-in visitors wanting to just kill time between meetings (*my* time!), lengthy meetings devoted to priority setting but without any conclusions, and coffee coffee and more coffee.

Yup, a typical week in the home office setting. Very much like 1000+ other such weeks I've known. Having my office at home has eliminated about 1/3 of this stuff, and it's really making a difference in my ability to tolerate this profession for a while longer.

It's the one-week-a-month that I have to spend down here in KC that reminds me of how glad I am that I didn't take the higher salary they used as bait to try to get me to work out of the main office, but stayed in the Twin Cities instead. :)

And while dinner *was* nice (potato/leek/basil soup, striped sea bass, asparagus spears wrapped in prosciutto, garlic/tarragon flan, and creme caramel for dessert) I'm beginning to have the confidence that I could have done just as well with it in my own kitchen! :) And I would definitely not have paired the garlic and tarragon.. ehhh. I don't think it worked.

I can't wait to set out driving today, even if it's not straight home. Let me out, and back on the road! Cheese curds at Culver's await! Now *that's* haute cuisine. ;)

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