Monday, November 26, 2007

Music Reviews: A.C. Newman, Ammoncontact, etc.

Well, it was a nice long weekend. :) Too full of studying to really feel like I detached from responsibility, the way you want to on vacation, but.. just enough detachment so that I'm also not looking forward to a regular week of work this week. :(

I did feel like I got my pre-winter chores done around the house and yard, too. The raised bed gardens in the back yard are torn out, the compost bin built from the leftover timbers, the lawnmower put away and snowblower out and ready.. c'mon, Winter, let's go! I'm ready for ya, man.

Also finished up my second of three papers for the quarter in TS501, and after tonight will be ready for the last of the reading quizzes. Just two classes and the final left! Not having to study for 4 weeks over Advent.. now *that* will feel like vacation!

On to the reviews:

Joe Rogness - "Tell The Story": He was the opening act for Sara Groves at her CD release concert. This most recent CD of his is acoustic, with a definite jazz feel. He has a spiritual take on things, but doesn't avoid the ups and downs of regular human relationships. Easy to listen to, and some songs are really compelling. All are good. Absolutely great tracks: You're Beautiful To Me, Do You Still Believe In Love? Thumbs up for a really good CCM CD that could cross over if marketed right.

Ammoncontact - "With Voices": Although this is in the hip-hop section, even the rap songs on here sound more like simply reading poetry to music. There's some thoughtfulness behind the arrangements, and some really good verse being sung or read. Favorite tracks: Beautiful Flowers (sounds like Enigma), Earth's Children (featuring Mia Doi Todd), plus a few I also downloaded from their 2003 CD "Sounds Like Everything": Super Eagles and Black Stars, Encouragement, House Plants. Thumbs up for this cerebral and inclusive rap/hip-hop effort.

Andrew Bird - "The Mysterious Production of Eggs": Strange. But also cool. This guy plays fiddle now and then with The Squirrel Nut Zippers, who are as odd as they come. So there is some offbeat instrumentation to this thing, but also some really good playing. Favorite tracks: Measuring Cups, Masterfade (his whistling sounds like playing a saw with a bow), My Skin Is (surreal lyrics and jazzy arrangement), Tables and Chairs (imagine a kind of sweet little song about post-Apocalypse partying with lines like "trading butterfly knives" and "there will be snacks"). Two thumbs up!

A.C. Newman - "Slow Wonder": I *thought* this guy sounded familiar, but I couldn't place him. iTunes solved the problem for me - The New Pornographers is where I know him from - aha! But I didn't know that Neko Case came from there, too. Hm. Just shows how much I have to learn.

Well, I like that band and now the solo efforts, too. iTunes calls him alternative, but I don't know.. the backing instruments sound like straight-up rock to me, though his voice suits the alternative labeling. The strange lyrics do, too. Some religious imagery here. I think I heard the word "revelation" on no less than 3 separate tracks. Hm. Decent tracks: Secretarial, 35 In The Shade, Miracle Drug, On The Table. Some of the other songs do drag a little bit. Some make no sense at all. Others are quite good. One thumb up for this CD.

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