Saturday, November 03, 2007

They don't seem to stop in this house.

D is at the end of her rope when it comes to her job. :( Difficult discussion with her boss today, and a closed door on her preferred career path there. The stress of the role is not what she bargained for, and the negatives of the work environment have far outweighed the positives. Plus, the need for her to provide benefits is past, since I'm now working, and I'll pick them up during my open enrollment for 1/1/08. And, the draw of going back to school, to get at least an A.A. to allow her to work in a more desireable field (or level of position), is growing on her.

So, this weekend she works on her resignation letter and the timing of it. I'll skip Mass this week (and the Rite of Welcome for the RCIA candidates) to try to be some help and support. We also try a different church on Sunday, as that has not been what we hoped it would be for us, either. And maybe as of the first week in December.. she will be a free agent, and will take the holidays off, use the extra time to finish unpacking and to explore full-time local trade school options for January. Maybe accounting, maybe horticulture.. we'll see.

And, the end of the semester may bring changes for J2 as well.. it's entirely possible that he may boomerang back home, given how school is going for him - which is not very well. :( I may take him with me to see Dr. Shrink-wrap while I'm at it. Hm. And if that doesn't help, there's always the military.. ;)

As for me.. it would be nice if all changes on a personal level were behind me for a while. I've had plenty lately, thanks. And while I'll still be adjusting to them for a while, certainly.. if I have anything to say about it I'll sure opt for stability for a while, plus some internal personal growth and a less complicated life, if that's at all possible. Things may be changing for people all around me, but what I need is a calm center to it all. And one with that elusive joy inside it, besides.

God, could You put that on Your project list for me?

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