Tonight it was Chris Tomlin in concert, with Israel Houghton and New Breed as the opener. Really, really fun. :) New Breed was jazzy, funky - just plain hot.
And Tomlin's backing band was very U2ish. Basic in its configuration: lead, bass, drum, keys, and vocals. The guy who played lead borrowed licks from The Edge. It was a big, big sound, but with echoes of classic rock brought forward a couple decades. Pretty great, I'd say.

Plus, when was the last time you have seen arena rock... with the song lyrics projected on jumbotrons?

They actually expected the audience to sing along. To everything. :) And we did.

Even our staid and minimalist 20-something guests, L&D, were caught singing from time to time.
Chris Tomlin is one of those singer/songwriters who can do both with equal aplomb. But his songwriting just makes it. He has the ability to keep it really simple without being simple-minded. I already knew 3/4 of the songs he did (with the unknown ones off his newest CD), but even the ones I didn't know, I "knew" before he got halfway through, and could easily sing along. That's good songwriting (at least for Contemporary Christian Music, where you want it to be easy for a congregation to pick up, but still be meaningful.) He does that better than anybody right now.
It was a great evening out with (younger) friends. And the newest CDs at the merch table were only $10 each, so... I have music to listen to on my trip tomorrow. :)
And oh... March came in like a lamb this year, and it's expected to go out like a lion, just as you might expect. Big snowstorm coming (hopefully after I am done driving!), but for today at least, it looked like Spring was near. Open water on the lakes! :)

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