She has such an interesting style. I can't describe it any better than the Dakota Jazz Club can. Very cool of them to actually plug a show at a beautiful rival venue.
Shows respect for their patrons without a lot of self-interest. Nice people at the Dakota. :)
The opener was a local guy named Joe Pug. We both thought he had all the tools for a leftist folky singer/songwriter to be successful in the genre, except he just needs better songs. ;) Trying too hard to be deep, he wound up being unintelligible. Plus, a better name would help. How about J. Alexander Pug, or some such?

Madeleine was at her best when she and the musicians clustered together in the front of the stage, went all acoustic (a stand-up bass, dropping the jazz guitar for mandolin, trading the drum kit for brushes on a cardboard box, and having the keyboard guy play a melodica), as if they were busking on the street in Paris.) Yeah, baby. That's the ticket.

Her new album, "Bare Bones", is a little dark and a little less swingy, with no jazz covers. When she did songs from it, she kept apologizing and promising to do more happy numbers later. :) But she closed the show with a great little upbeat jazzy tune from the new album called "Instead". Great little song... and message.
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