Saturday, March 07, 2009

The price one pays...

to keep one's credentials.

I am expecting to learn something at this seminar. I'm not expecting it to as riveting as writing a grad school paper, mind you, but with workshop titles like:

Applications of Quantile Regression in Commercial Underwriting,
Measuring the Value of Rate Segmentation,
Leveraging Machine Learning Techniques, and
Price Optimization for the U.S. Market: Techniques and Implementation Strategies...

how can you miss?

Hmm... I wonder what cool gadgets the exhibitors will be handing out. Made great Christmas presents last year. You think I'm kidding...

Okay, then, it's time for wheels up. Vegas, geekworld... here I come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep a lookout for Owl City coming your way May 15 at the Varsity Theater Minneapolis...

I'm rather jealous..

and why do we still have daylight savings? I don't understand.

and I like the thesis! I won't say I understand it completely.. what is the 'classical'view for instance.. but it sounds interesting.

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