Sunday, March 15, 2009

Religious Re-org?

There's lots of press these days talking about companies who are discontinuing unprofitable operations, and reorganizing to "focus on their core business." Hm. I've heard this before somewhere. Like pretty much at every place I've worked. ;)

An organization gets overeager, plays it a little fast & loose, loses a little money and ... oops, hey, it's time to get back to the basics.

Just before the quarter break this week, we were studying in HS501 about Benedictine Monasticism, and it struck me that this movement was in essence a re-org for the church, a call for reform (to an overextended church that had been playing it fast and loose), a call to get back to the basics of the Gospel, focusing on the church's "core business" of:


Hm. Not a bad idea. Strip away what's unprofitable. Stick with the basics. Maybe we're due for it again. This author thinks so.

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