Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Golf with the kid (and other fun stuff)

What a nice weekend.

First a movie night at home Friday night (Legal Eagles; Redford & Winger; fluffy stuff but good couch potato fare.)

Then the 5K run Saturday morning, which went a lot better than I expected. :) You read about that already, so I won't rehash my euphoria at finishing well. :P

Then an outdoor wedding in Stillwater in the afternoon, & evening indoors for the reception/dinner.

What a picturesque place. And a gorgeous day.

This pergola at the entrance to the wedding site prompted a good discussion for D and me about what we might put up around the grapevines next Spring. Maybe if we string wire between the posts so that the vines become the sides of the arbor... Hmm.

And weddings are so happy and fun! I always love the part with "I, Laura, take you, Jordan...". I haven't yet heard a bride speak in anything above a whisper at that point. It is so very intimate, and yet so public. The whisper somehow maintains the illusion of privacy for the couple, I think. :)

And then the minister says "...I pronounce you...", and shortly thereafter "...I present to you... ", and I haven't yet seen a groom walk down that aisle without "the look" on his face - you know, the smiling one where his eyes are saying "what the heck did I just do...??"

We're at the age now where the kids are going to (and standing up in) the weddings of their friends, and the parents...

are going to the weddings of their friends' kids (and waxing philosophical about them at the receptions.) Wine helps with that last part. ;)

So that was all fine and great, but it got me to thinking about some weddings yet to come, which I'm sure I'll have mixed feelings over when the time comes. You know, definitely happy, but... yeah. Kinda mixed.

Anyway, back to the weekend - worship team Sunday morning, feeling like God was there and lending an unseen hand with the vocals and harmonies (at least with mine...), and then golf in the afternoon with J2. Haven't done *that* in a couple of years. :) And we didn't have too bad a day, either, for such a long layoff and both of us hitting out of one bag (which was missing a couple of clubs.)

Another gorgeous day Sunday, too; but super windy. And the little course we played turned out to be tougher than we thought. Water, water, everywhere, and - of course - we both found it. But to go down the last fairway with the match all square (in holes and strokes) - that was fun. :) The Miller Chill and the Diet Mountain Dew tasted pretty good, too. (guess who had which? yeah, you think so? guess again.)

Finally the evening was spent making more progress on my summer reading, while listening to (and reviewing) some new music, all with one eye open to see what else of interest the internet might pop up while I was there... ahhh. So nice. :)

More weekends like this one, please?

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