Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Giving up my bar stool

Had plans for last night to go see Jimmy Eat World at First Avenue with J2. I was sort of amped up for it, but then a better opportunity presented itself: cough up my ticket to let a friend of his go with him. :)

He doesn't have a ton of people here he knows, given that he's never really lived here. So he has this one good friend from here who he knew back in high school, S, who has made him feel welcome. They were having breakfast yesterday morning at a cinnamon roll place in Uptown (went there Saturday with the grandparents ... mmm), and it occurred to me:

"Hey, doofus - he will have a way better time with S, standing down in the pit, pressed body-to-body with total strangers, than he will with you sitting on a barstool on the second floor. So give it up, old man. Let the boy have some fun."

So while they were still there, I texted him and offered up the ticket. It was the Dad thing to do. :)

But we agreed that for the She & Him concert there on August 7 (Zooey Deschanel and some random guy... guess who I'm going there to see?), we will definitely go together, and do the barstool thing upstairs. It'll be more that kind of show, anyway.

They had a blast last night, so - happy 21st birthday yet again, kid. :)

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