Saturday, July 21, 2007

Variations on a theme

Just to show you all that I can change things up now and then in this dull routine called unemployment, the meals today consisted of:

Breakfast: 2 Big Macs, less 4 of the 6 bun pieces, water, half a dark chocolate bar.

Lunch: Progresso Chicken Barley soup, torilla chips w/nacho dip, and a lite beer (Miller's new Chill brand - made with lime and salt. mmm.)

Dinner: Liverwurst on wheat with sliced muenster and miracle whip, second half of the chocolate bar, fresh brewed ginger peach tea over ice to chase various medications and vitamins.

So there! That oughtta show ya. Yours truly is no slave to routine.

Okay, so it's a little light on the vegetables. I'll make up for that tomorrow. Fresh green and wax beans. Served together for color. :)

Oh, the bottle of wine tonight will be... maple, aged 4 years. Goodness knows what that will be like, even properly chilled.

Highlight of the day: having a stone chip in my windshield repaired, inside my garage. $65 for 10 min. work courtesy of Liberty Mutual Insurance. Huh.

Project for the day: grading quizzes, preparing answers to next week's homework. Yawn.

See? I can vary the routine. A little.

P.S. Thanks to D getting employed, as of Tuesday we have benefits again! Yay! That means I can get more drugs and go visit a shrink. ;)

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