Sunday, July 08, 2007


Still browsing around for churches to attend. Two weeks ago it was a small church (40 attending?), meeting in a city hall auditorium two blocks from the house. Today it was even smaller (20 or so), meeting in what sort of looks like a cross between an old Elks club and an abandoned dentist's office, in an east side urban neighborhood.

Up until now, the Evangelical churches we've been to have made a point of including diversity as a priority in their mission statements, but do you think you could find someone in the chairs who was of a different demographic? Nope. But today... oh yeah.

The place seemed struggling, but... happy. :) They could use a hand, and seemed like they'd welcome ours. I'd nearly forgotten what an itty-bitty church was like. Soooo many mega- and multicampus- churches around here. Ugh. :(

The next two Sundays I'm on my own, so... probably will continue my exploration of the Catholic worship experience. I've been to the cathedral and the basilica and an urban parish where they do the Latin mass... time for something more run-of-the-mill and local now, to see what the regular neighborhood parishes are like.

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