Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Twists and Turns

on path A, at least.

This is peculiar.

The day after one job possibility dries up... another surfaces, and fast. The recruiter called and said "I ran your resume by so and so at such and such a company, and... he'll call you at 4:45 today. Can you be ready?" Woah! Okay...

He called, we talked, the role seems to be a good fit with my background, he wants someone very independent and confident, and... the oddest part... they are open to me telecommuting from here vs. their Missouri office, as long as I would be willing to travel there often for face time.

Wow. What do I do with this? Does this mean we can stay in this house? Keep unpacking? Continue with school plans as they were when we moved here? Yikes!

So this morning, the recruiter calls and says "they want you to come down for interviews the week of the 23rd. And did you know they have a Twin Cities branch you could work out of, too?" Um... no.

Okay, my head is spinning right now. Calm down, calm down.

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