Monday, July 23, 2007

A New Routine?

Well. This is different.

With D going back to work for the first time since children... how do we divide the housework?

She starts tomorrow and as of yet doesn't know her schedule. 10 to 6? 8 to 4? Floating from week to week?

So we are negotiating new responsibilities around here. And neither of us remember how we used to do this, either.

What's mine now? Do I get the kitchen & food prep? That might make sense. And I liked making dinner last night, and do fine with that when I'm alone. Bathrooms? Laundry? All those are okay with me. Just don't ask me to dust. Ick. Or iron; too much potential for damage..

It's easier now because I'm still unemployed, but... if and when that changes - we negotiate again, I think.


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