Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Path A takes a turn

...in the woods today, to a road less traveled - by me, anyway. The company I'd been interviewing with stopped the process and is going to try to develop someone internally into the role they were interviewing me for.

Just goes to show you that what I said about recruiters being paid to be optimistic is true. Optimism for the sake of optimism doesn't produce anything tangible. If your optimism isn't based on something sound... it's really just so much wishful thinking.

So, now - no active "same career" positions to pursue. There are inquiries being made, possiblities, ideas... but no interviews lined up. Path A is heading into the heavy brush, it appears.

No updates on Path B other than I felt very at home and comfortable teaching class last night. We'll see how at home I feel grading papers and preparing quizzes today...

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