Saturday, July 28, 2007

Not mixed emotions after all

Here's what I will tell my recruiter when we talk next.

I will not accept an offer to move to Kansas City. I will, however, consider one as a telecommuter. But will also continue the interview processes underway elsewhere.

For one, they don't need me to supervise anybody directly. They need technical product expertise (which I have) and relationship building with the heads of a few businesses (which I can do.) Those business heads are all over the country. I can do this from here.

Second, KC has no appeal to me at all, having spent 48 hours there. Yawn. It doesn't compare favorably with here.

Now, the remaining question is.. do I *want* to do this job, or is it merely a means to an end? (the end being finishing grad school, getting our financial situation ready for a career transition, and ... doing it gradually with less shock to the system)

On the surface, that makes some sense..

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