Monday, January 21, 2008



cleanup aisle one
what to do if no one comes
you just step around

homeless on the street
don't acknowledge that they're there
they'll leave you alone

on a clearance rack
last year's colors last year's style
who would wear these now

makes me feel uncomfortable
look the other way

lover pushed aside
can't you see that i've moved on
it's not you it's me

market focus changed
business isn't personal
you'll land on your feet

happens in life all the time
how do I respond


"Every concrete Christian community had the privilege and obligation to reflect on the meaning of its faith. No matter how many excellent christologies there might be in the world, it was no excuse for the local community not to work out its own expression of who Christ is and what he is doing in their midst.

"And it was precisely the marginated of every socio-political group who were in the privileged position of being most closely similar to the poor at the time of Christ. They were the first ones to hear his word, to be converted to him and his way, and to begin preaching a new alternative to the world.

"Jesus' identification with the most rejected of society and his love for them is one of the greatest constants of his ministry: it appears throughout the gospels and continues in the tradition of the church. Love and concern for the poor, the disfavored, and the oppressed of society is one of the most fundamental activities of the Christian group."

----- Virgilio Elizondo, Galilean Journey: The Mexican-American Promise

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