Monday, January 21, 2008

Day off today - to read and contemplate

My new employer takes MLK, Jr. day as a holiday, so.. I'm using it to catch up on reading for TS502. Well needed time, too! I have a paper due in 8 days on a book I hadn't begun before this morning, and so.. I can really use it!

The assigned book is what I quoted from at the bottom of the post just prior, in case you're wondering what the inspiration was for the focus on those who are marginalized. Yeah.. it's not just me. :)

Although.. I may have fit in one or two of those categories at one point, or even.. in my worst moments.. participated myself in the continuing marginalization of some of the others. :(

(that was the point, I guess.)

Actually it's probably a pretty appropriate day to meditate on these things, given whose life the day honors..

So anyway.. I'll be glad when this paper is behind me, and I can get on to something more uplifting, like.. the doctrine of sin.

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