Thursday, January 17, 2008

Christ be in your senses

The Rite of Welcome on Sunday was so rich and good. Each of us in the RCIA process were welcomed as catechumen, preparing our hearts and minds for full communion at Easter Vigil.

They blessed our senses. :) Prayed that Christ would inhabit and transform our senses. And for me.. a sensualist of the first rank.. it was just what I needed.

I've written about my senses before, and the frustration I have felt at not being able to reach God with them. Somehow Catholics understand this idea, and work hard at reaching all our senses in worship, with aromas, images, words/music, eating/drinking, and posture/touch.

To them (and perhaps in a way, beginning to be so with me), God is a God who understands, appeals to, and communicates with, our senses. My hope is that, through this process, my senses can finally become useful not just for interacting with people and the world around me, but in my apprehending and interacting with God as well.

And as our sponsors were making the sign of the cross on our forehead, over our eyes, ears, lips, heart.. and my cheeks were becoming wet with tears.. this song was being sung by the people:

Christ be in your senses, marked with sacred sign;
In the Incarnation, flesh became divine.
Christ be in your hearing, tune you to rejoice;
In each shout or whisper, hear God's calling voice.

Christ will be your strength!
Learn to know and follow Him.

Christ be in your vision, guard you day and night;
Keep your feet from stumbling, shine God's holy light.
Christ be in your speaking, train your every word;
In your daily witness let God's truth be heard.

Christ will be your strength!
Learn to know and follow Him.

Christ be in your breathing; constantly impart
Grace to every movement, peace within your heart.
Christ be in your senses, marked with sacred sign;
In the Spirit's presence, flesh becomes divine.

Christ will be your strength!
Learn to know and follow Him.

Amen! I can't imagine a better blessing.. for a guy like me. :)

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