Monday, January 07, 2008

Nice Dream

It's one of those Radiohead songs where the lyrics are so obscure as to make the song unapproachable, but the sound of it and the mood it creates still makes it a favorite. :)

I guess I thought of it yesterday, after reflecting on a conversation we had in the car on the way home from KC Saturday. After taking a look at living expenses and school costs and debt retirement and future income, I came to the conclusion that the idea of transitioning to teaching in maybe three more years was just that -

A nice dream.

Putting pen to paper, adding and subtracting numbers, looking at amortization schedules, and forecasting income made the song in my heart of changing careers seem.. unapproachable. But the idea of it sounded so sweet, it is still a favorite song. Even though I guess it was, really, just a nice dream after all.

Looks like I'll be working at my current job, or something like it, until I'm about 62. Then.. maybe.. I can leave corporate America behind. So teaching really will be a "retirement" career, if it happens at all. After all, what school will hire an instructor into his first such full-time job at *that* age? I'll be lucky to snag a few classes here and there, maybe as a sub.

Ah well. So it goes.

Nice try.

Nice dream.

But I see from the clock.. it's about that time - time to go to work.

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