Dinner at the Loring Pasta Bar in Dinkytown,

followed by the Bird and the Bee playing

at the Varsity Theatre around the corner.
The food was great, the ambience unique, the venue hip, the people-watching interesting, and the performers talented & capable.
The opener (Charlie Wadhams) was nearly as good as the headliner, too. Singer/songwriter with solo guitar and one helper on percussion and backup vocal. Together they sort of reminded me both visually and aurally, of Art Garfunkel and Paul Simon, if you switched the voices, talent, and instruments. :) Picked up his CD, "Free Up Your Schedule". Two thumbs up!
But for the life of me I can't understand how the bands decide when to play. There must be a system, but I don't get it. Line forms at 7, doors open at 8, opening act 9ish (plays for 30 min), headliner 10ish (plays for 50 min)... nearly 4 hours of "being out", but less than 90 minutes of music. Hm.
At least the tickets were cheap. :)
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