Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wearing me down already..

not in a bad way, though. Just tired.

A variety of meetings today, starting promptly at 8, some with people I've actually talked to more than once! The boss left me to my own devices in a couple of them, and is handing one to me on Monday to be there in his place (by phone, of course). This is progress.

As is getting approval to access certain servers where all the files I need happen to live! It seemed like my email asking for access went into a black hole. :( But it's always good to follow up if there's silence from someone for several days. Maybe it's *not* because they don't care about you.. there's often some other reason. It just seems like they don't care - especially if you're feeling like you're a nuisance and not all that wanted.

I know, I know, that's the insecure teenager talking, coupled with the middle-aged guy who's unceremoniously lost his job a few times.. but still.. silence feels cold sometimes, even if it's not meant to be. And the more you need their response, the worse it feels.

Okay. Enough of that.

I really need a night off. :) These 8AM command performances where all I do is take in more information are wearing on me. Think I'll go to the mall near the hotel, poke around in Borders or something, see what's new. If it weren't so darned hot, I'd run. I'm so sedentary here, I feel restless. A run would help. And maybe, hot or not, I still will. Working up a good sweat might help my mood, too.

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