Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm up!

The cable guy finally left at 5:15 after two hours of poking around, drilling holes, calling the help desk, resetting modems, and the like. But .. it's working, and he fixed what he screwed up. I'm linked to the company's VPN! Now, tomorrow... real work. :)

Well, I *was* on a conference call today, so some real work was done, but mostly the day was spent setting up the office, making sure all items are working and connected, taking inventory of what wasn't, and getting the right people on the task of fixing it.

Took a whole 15 minutes for lunch, and a bit of a break to read a winemaking magazine while the cable guy was in my office. But I will be a good boy tonight and read a little for class tomorrow - the first couple of chapters of Calvin's "Institutes of the Christian Religion" on the subject of how it is we come to learn about God in the first place.

His initial argument is that we can only begin to know God by coming to some knowledge of ourselves, particularly our moral and emotional poverty, and our utter dependence on our surroundings and other persons to survive. So far I buy what he says, that the greater our awareness of our limitations, the more we are receptive to knowledge of God. Ha - based on that logic, I should be the most receptive guy on the planet when it comes to God.. ;)

And then another episode of Ken Burns' new PBS special.. the rest of the bottle of red Zinfandel.. and off to bed. A good day. :)

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