Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Shrink-wrapped and ready to go!

Let's start with the ready to go part.

J1 is heading out, with the dog in tow, tomorrow morning to rendesvous with her furniture in California. (sigh) Wish she wasn't leaving, just when we barely got within driving distance, but.. what are ya gonna do? She's always had a mind of her own, and is a cussedly determined sort when she locks in on something. Now is no exception. She's had this move in her head (one version or another) for years.

J2 drives her to the airport and will hang on to her car until he can shake loose for a weekend and bring it up north for me to try to sell. He can't afford the insurance for another year until he turns 21, and by that time who knows what kind of vehicle he'll want? His preferences change with the seasons. Always have. The difference between those two kids is profound.

As for me, I faxed back the acceptance letters for the telecommuting offer, so they can start the background checks and try to get me on the payroll by the 17th. I redo the drug test tomorrow, at the right lab this time, and then I think I'm all set. :)

Alright, then, on to the shrink. Excuse me .. THERapist. Had my initial consultation today with the guy. Seems nice enough, and so far a good combination of being directive when necessary and yielding ground when appropriate. I think we'll get along. He has a decent couch-side manner (actually I took an arm chair), except for the pained look he puts on his face when I refer to some negative experience. I wonder if he practices that look in front of the mirror, or asks his wife if he looks sincere..

No tissues needed today, but I can imagine there might be a need for some as he peels the onion a bit. I have a feeling that he is going to be able to open me up like a paper grocery bag. ;) But I draw the line at guided imagery or hypno-therapy! Don't even..

On a culinary note.. oh, that eggplant lasagna was tasty! Leftovers last night, and mmmm.. so good. Tomorrow: tomato-fennel soup! Bought my first fennel bulb today. First time I ever saw one, in fact. What a funky looking critter that is! Sort of alien. Smells kind of anise-y. Also bought my first shallots today. Never saw those before, either. Kind of nondescript little things, in a little mesh baglet. Hm.. this ought to be interesting. Maybe it will go well with meatloaf..

And finally, my last class as an adjunct professor for a while is tonight. Maybe I'll teach again in winter after I have one Systematic Theology course behind me and have worked in the new job for 3 months and know what's expected from both. Oh my poor students.. a 60 minute timed test.. they're terrified. :) heeheeheehee..

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