Friday, December 02, 2005

Here We Go...

The offer came in from the company in New England. Should I be using bold type with an exclamation and a smiley?

The offer came in! Yay! :)

Like that...

Um, yes, I guess I should. It's the first one, and it's... a good one. Mostly.

VP title (the middle of 3 such grades), $10K more than I made in my previous job, similar bonus opportunity. The $10K will be eaten up by cost of living differences, definitely, but it will essentially keep me whole, financially, which is what I wanted at a minimum. A moderate signing bonus of 12.5% of the base salary offer is included, which is nice, since I won't be eligible for one in Spring.

Beyond that, there's the full relocation package - pretty standard stuff, but a little light in spots, such as only 30 days of temporary living expenses, which is pretty fast to sell here, move the household, plus buy a new place there. I don't know yet whether the relo plan includes a home purchase feature, which I've had the last 3 times I've moved. If it does, 30 days is workable, because you sell the house for a fair market value derived by 2-3 appraisers, and can vacate right away. If it doesn't include that feature, I will want to negotiate for more temporary living expenses, like 90 days worth. One trip home every other weekend is included for however long the temporary living expenses last. But even then, what is 48 hours every other week? You might as well be moved.

They want an answer by Friday 12/9. I will talk to them on Monday just to go over formally the terms of the offer and ask questions (one of which is on the home purchase thing). So, over the weekend, we think about it. Although, what's to think about? Like I have lots of options? Sure, on Monday, I interview at one nearby company, the other one on Tuesday. At that point, I should know whether either of those opportunities are so good and so likely that they will stop me from accepting this one. At this point, I can't see how that would happen. I think I have to take it, don't you?

Here is, then, the "bird in the hand." Not an offer that is so good I simply can't refuse it, but not one that is insulting either. Like the recruiter said: "It's a very fair offer." The job itself is good, and the career opportunities there look good. The only real negative is... the location. Expensive, too far from relatives and loved ones, and it isn't even warmer there! :)

And then there's the two birds in the bush... as the old proverb says, they're sort of equal in value to the one in hand. I guess I'll have to get a closer peek at those two birds in the bush on Monday and Tuesday, and try to guess how close they are to flying out where I can get at them. And about the new lead at the local company - I haven't heard back on my resume' from them, and it may simply be too late if they don't act...

I'm excited, I'm nervous, I'm apprehensive, I'm ambivalent. What to do? What to think? I think I'm stuck. I think I have to take it.

I have a week.

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