In about 10 days I set out for my annual retreat weekend, and I would sure prefer that it was actually Autumn, during the season of Autumn.
I'd like to be able to walk around in the crisp Fall air, in just a light fleece jacket. I don't want to wear my winter coat and gloves!
I'd like to be able to kick through a pile of dry leaves and hear them rustle like paper. I don't want to brush snow off my wet, cold shoes!
I'd like to be able to sit outside of a coffee shop in the sunshine sipping a mug of hot cider. I don't want to be stuck inside because of sleet and a howling wind.
It would be nice for Winter to simply admit it made a mistake, and go back where it came from. Let me enjoy myself, will ya? I would like to come away from the weekend lifted up & refreshed, not beaten up and drained!
Is ten days enough notice for you? May I have one large order of Autumn weather, please, with a little joy served warm on the side?
I'm sure it's autumn in say. . .Virginia! Don't complain- it was 28 degrees in Wausau today & 48 in Iceland. Gotta love that global warming!
I can't agree more with you. Blast it all.
Do you like Longfellow?
I found this and thought you might like it, I added a section from one of his other poems on my FB profile- yes ma FB profile! :-)>
Loss and Gain
WHEN I compare
What I have lost with what I have gained,
What I have missed with what attained,
Little room do I find for pride.
I am aware
How many days have been idly spent;
How like an arrow the good intent
Has fallen short or been turned aside.
But who shall dare
To measure loss and gain in this wise?
Defeat may be victory in disguise;
The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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