So I felt justified in both watching the PGA on TV, and going out to a show Saturday night. A new place (for me) in the warehouse district: Bunkers. Not too bad. Smallish club, but a decent stage and adequate food, tables & stools.

On my way there, it started to rain, and I pulled up alongside a biker & chick combo who were toughing it out. I saw him reach inside his jacket and put this long thing in his mouth. At first I thought it was a cigar and he was going to light up, but... it turned out to be a stick of beef jerky. Unwrapped.. stored in his jacket pocket. Wonder what the jacket smells like just in general. Maybe he rides in the rain now and then just to wash it out.

The opener was a guy named Robert Francis, a fairly typical indie rocker with a couple of decent bandmates. But I guess he's indie no longer, since he was selling $5 advance copies of his new CD which is on Atlantic Records. So he's a major label guy now. He had a sound along the lines of Glen Hansard of The Frames, although maybe not quite so intense and soul-wrenching. Really a pretty decent, though, so I picked up a copy. :)

The one I came to hear, though, was Priscilla Ahn. I'd seen her advertised on Amazon.mp3 and got her CD from the library, really liked it. She looks kind of like Meiko, and sorta sounds like both her & Ingrid Michaelson if they were singing songs by Feist, while playing acoustic guitar like Paul Simon, and blues harmonica to boot.

Talented musician, this girl, and she really captivated the audience - you could hear a pin drop on her quiet songs (of which there were many). She even did a cover of an old Harry Nilsson song, Moonbeam, off of "Nilsson Schmilsson", one of the very first first albums I ever bought way back in high school. Nicely done, too. So despite the rain, all in all it was a pretty pleasant night.
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