Friday, August 21, 2009

Here we go again!

Another climactic event hits the metro area, and theological interpretations abound!

And again, they fall along the lines of Classical Theism (represented by John Piper), and Freewill Theism (represented by Greg Boyd), the two internet-savvy, mega-church pastors in the area who also differed on the 35W bridge collapse of two years ago, and on which topic I just preached in my local church.

This time it's the near-miss of a tornado that ripped through the area where the ELCA was meeting to discuss (among other things) whether or not to allow clergy to be in "committed, life-long, monogamous relationships with a person of the same gender". The links on the pastor's names above point to their blog posts on the subject.

No need for me to comment further. They effectively do justice to their respective theological positions. And one can readily see the appeal of those positions... to widely differing audiences.

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