Monday, August 10, 2009


Pursuant to the prior post, my current theology book (aggravating though it is) produced a great little summary of what a close relationship looks like between persons. The context of it is a discussion of the Persons in the Trinity, but the author uses human terms to discuss it, which makes it more relevant to us.

Translated to the terms of my little 5-bar "scale", I think it means this: the more bars you have (in love's signal strength) = the closer you are to true communion with your loved one. See if you agree?

In "Trinity and Society", Leonardo Boff discusses some essential characteristics of personhood, namely:

distinctiveness (you are unique, separate)
incommunicability (I can't become you, nor you, me)
self-awareness (conscious of yourself, interiority)
relationality (capable of relating to others, beyond self)

and then goes on to describe what characterizes communion between persons, the highest form of relationship:

intimacy (described by the author as "presence one to another" - being face to face, communicating openly and honestly in true dialogue)

reciprocity (attraction each toward the other, mutual desire for close union, each person taking active steps to express & achieve it)

immediacy (togetherness without intermediaries, desiring the other's presence, convergence of interests, transparency of intention)

community (living together, and: seeing differences as gifts, valuing individuality, eliminating formalities, working for the common good)

He stresses that true union (in the sense of fusion of persons) is not possible, since by definition persons must remain distinct, one not subsumed in another. But communion is possible, and very desirable for us, as it reflects the Divine Communion: unity in diversity.

And I think.. each of the "bars" I mentioned in the prior post contribute strongly to the kind of relationship he describes. (How about that? My scale is even theologically sound. :P )

The more bars, the stronger the relationship. The stronger the relationship, the closer to "divine" communion you are. I honestly believe it's possible to have communion with someone in this life, definitely worth the trouble of seeking out, and... when you have it...

worth keeping. :)

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