I can't explain why this should thrill me, but it does. They're running shoes, for Pete's sake! By rights, I should feel oppressed.
Oh, but they feel so nice on. :)
By race day, the old ones will have 350 miles on them, and they're due for retirement. The store clerk suggested new shoes every 500 miles, and my current pair were only your basic Target specials, so probably not as durable as these. But what did I know back then? And who knew I'd be putting on 8-10 miles a week at some point, either? Crazy.
So anyway, I'll give the feet a treat, as they say, as a reward for pounding the pavement for 12K on the 24th. Nutso of me, really, to do that at all, so if I'm going to continue this self-inflicted torture beyond 5/24, I might as well take the edge off the pain with some decent footwear.
The clerk at R.E.I. was thorough and very helpful, measuring both length (up a size? - 11s now) and arch (unusually high), and checking treadwear patterns on the old pair (supination: outer edge impact), recommending a stabilizing shoe by Brooks. Took a running lap around the store, and ... mmm, very nice. Plus, reasonable in cost. Sort of.
Kept the expenditure below triple-digits, at least. Even counting the running socks (2 pair). Helps that there's no tax on clothes here. :)
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