Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The last assignment

of the Spring term is done. The rough draft of the final paper made it past the review of my editor(s) yesterday, including J2 as guest editor this week.

It starts with a quote from Giles of Viterbo, 1512:

“Men must be changed by religion, not religion by men.” 

This is so often our modern tendency (which began with the great schism we call The Reformation): to adapt our religion (in theory or practice) to better fit our sensibilities, rather than submit our sensibilities to the guidance offered by our religion.

But that's not the point of the paper, I guess. The thesis is... sorta muddled, I think. :( I suppose you could say that it's this:

The Protestant approach to reform took a very different course in the 15th - 17th centuries from that of the Catholics. Reform occurred on both sides, but with very different problems and mistakes attendant to it. It has taken several hundred years to begin correcting those errors in approach.  The Ecumenical Movement of the latter 20th century (World Council of Churches and all that) is the Protestant equivalent to Vatican II, a corrective to the denominational fragmentation resulting from the Reformation, in much the same way as Vatican II was a corrective to the defensive isolationism of the Catholic Church following the Council of Trent.

I think it's articulated well, but.. the prof will have something to say about that. Either way, it's submitted, and I'm done.

In another week, it's vacation time, and, when I get back... summer school. Yeah boy!

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