It wasn't quite as loud as the DCFC concert, and he only spoke for a half-hour, but... the recorded music was great. I want the soundtrack album to the Obama campaign. :) While waiting for the candidate, they even played the music video of "Yes We Can" by will.i.am.
The whole thing had the feel of a rock concert, all the way to the end of the night when Barack walked off the stage arm in arm with Michelle, to the music of Springsteen's "The Rising". Yeah, baby. :)
Speaking of Michelle, ooh, that girl is tall. They really looked like bookends standing up there, both slender, both sharp. And mmm.. affectionate. :) The kiss before his speech looked to me like the genuine article (you know, his arms around her waist, her hands on his chest.. that kind. She stopped short of lifting one heel up behind her, though. Decorum.) Then a little dap to each other for luck, and a little pat from him on her fanny as she walked off. (Nice walk, I might add. Jumbotrons help in assessing such things.)
And just like any good rock concert, there was a bit of waiting on line to do as well. Doors were set to open at 7PM. So I think to myself, oh, I'll leave the house about 5:20 and get to the arena before 6. That should give me plenty of time. Hahahaha.

By the time I got there, the line was already 5 blocks long. So, I get to the back of the line by 6. The line begins to move at 6:30, I'm actually in the hall by 7:15, seated by 8:15 (yes, really - an hour to get seated), and by 9:15 the big O speaks. On my way out by 9:45.
Yes, a lot of waiting for a short speech, but man, oh man - I saw history being made tonight. Free for nothin', too. :) Is this a great country, or what?

I couldn't help but look around me at the demographics of the crowd, and think... "this looks like America to me. Young, old, white, black, brown, male, female, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, immigrant, native-born. This is us."
The media was there, of course,

as were the activists (at a respectful distance),

and the street vendors. Cheesy stuff, but - it sold.
I still need a window cling. Something for the car that's, um... removable. ;)

Word was passed that they were not letting umbrellas in the arena.

So people were stashing their umbrellas under every stray bush they could find. I wonder how many got their own back. I'll bet you some people traded up. :P

Everyone went through a metal detector, so there was quite a crush at the gates. And no outside food was allowed in. :( Too bad. So I was forced to buy deluxe nachos and a premium hot dog. Try getting that at a rock concert. (And to all you vegans out there, yes I know, I know - that last food item is really an oxymoron.)

But the crowd was by and large very pleasant - we minded each others seats while going off to the food stands, and had congenial conversations all about how new we were to political support, and how this crowd is bigger than it was for Springsteen and so on. Probably about a third of us had our Obama gear on.

The picture below doesn't really do it justice, just too far away for the lens to show what the eye could observe, but - he really is a compelling speaker. Great themes, and such a positive, uplifting message without coming off as preachy. No wonder he's bringing new voters out of the woodwork, as well as converting a few conservatives and republicans. He's got a little hope for them to share.

And speaking of hope, I read an article in the Sunday paper last weekend about the "New Evangelicals" - ones who are not so partisan about their politics but are still passionate about their faith. This kind of evangelical I think I can be. :)
So tonight, I'll get right on that. My summer theological reading and discussion group starts tonight with a kickoff BBQ. I'm sure the Obama rally will come up in conversation. I'll bet I wasn't the only Seminarian (evangelical or Catholic - take your pick) in attendance. :)
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