Their sound has changed. Definitely harder, bigger, more guitar-focused. The vocals are barely audible sometimes. I think they need to be taken out of the Alternative genre now, and placed in Rock. Either that.. or Power Pop at the very least.

The audience was quite young, on average, compared to the crowd for The Swell Season and The Eels, say. I guess that's to be expected. But even with the change in style to something more hard-edged, the audience still went ballistic at the opening chord progression to "I Will Follow You Into The Dark", and sang along through the whole thing.
Me, too, in spots. :) Hey, it's a great song, and yes, I know - just as emo as it can be. Oh well. I remain unapologetic about that. :P

But, as in the past, the opening act, Rogue Wave, appealed to me more than the headliner. These guys were terrific. So I picked up their latest CD "Asleep At Heaven's Gate". Expect a glowing review on this one in a future post.

Not ever having heard of them before tonight, I asked the merchtable clerk at intermission what were the first four songs they opened with, and the one they closed with - I wanted *that* CD. She was clueless.
But there was a very kind girl (of.. 16 or so?) next to me who was a fan and overheard my question - she willingly reviewed songs with me, and advised me on my selection of a CD. I'm sure she felt sorry for the old guy who didn't know squat about her favorite band, and was happy to make a new disciple.
Naturally I didn't have the heart to tell her that for a boy who grew up on Led Zeppelin, Grand Funk RR, and Black Sabbath, this was more like "easy listening" music to my classic rock-trained ears. ;) But then, my tastes *have* mellowed a bit since the old days. No need for Robert Plant or Ozzy to wail for me anymore.
Anyway, overall some decent music, and a nice night out. :)
And the next outing should be even cooler! My first political rally - Barack Obama at the Xcel Center. Review on that to follow tomorrow. :)
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