Monday, June 09, 2008

Going Shrinkless

Almost done with Dr. Shrink-wrap. Two more visits, and... arrivederci, il doctore. Grazie.

He's been very helpful, and I told him so last time. (But of course, he's not the only person who's been helpful. He's just the one who is probably the most ... dispassionate ... about it.)

I'm finding that I am now at a place in this emotional/mental health situation sort of like where I am in golf or tennis: when I find myself messing up, I can mostly diagnose what I'm doing wrong, and make some corrections to fix it. And I play well enough that I enjoy myself - it doesn't frustrate me anymore. I still mess up, sure, but they're small mistakes, and not so bad that I just... give up.

Good analogy? ;)

He said last visit that he agrees that it's time to modify this to an "as needed" situation. If something happens in my life that is traumatic or disappointing, or I find my thought patterns are slipping back into the old ones, I can call and get an "adjustment" (sort of like at the chiropractor, I guess - except that he's messing around inside your head, not with your back.)

So with that encouragement from him, I said: it must feel good to you to see the seeds that you planted and watered take root and flourish. And he said "Absolutely. This is what you go into practice for, cases like yours."

Aww... :) I'm glad I helped make you feel better, Doc. ;)

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