Saturday, June 28, 2008

Drawing a line

Anyone who has bowled regularly, especially in a league, knows that if you are struggling, there comes a point at which you take your pencil and draw a bold line at the right edge of your most recent frame to signify a fresh start. It means it's time to pick up your game, get back to what you know you're capable of, for yourself.. and to help the team.

Now in this day of digital scorekeeping, the simple pleasure of doodling with a pencil on your scoresheet is gone. But metaphorically speaking, today I (we) draw a line, make a bold mark on the scoresheet, start fresh.

This morning, just like 33 years ago today (and during a week nearly as hot as this one has been!), D & I will face each other again, and pledge. And we will mean it, just as we did back then.

Back in the day we had all the zeal of youth to promise with, but we were also blissfully ignorant. We did *not* have the knowledge of all that would come our way to challenge those promises, the cares of life that would try to push that zeal to dissipate.

Many, many things (and people) have crossed our path and brought us around to this day. Some have been heartbreaking, and some absolutely wonderful. There was so much of life that, as teenagers, neither of us could anticipate. We just... didn't know.

But now when we pledge - this morning, today - we *do* know this. We know all about the challenges life sends you - first hand. And even with that knowledge, in spite of it, right in the very face of it...

We vow.

We pledge.

We draw a line.

We pick up our game.

We help the team.

We promise.

We love.

And to you who have known the circumstances we have faced, and have helped one or both of us - rejoice with us! This, in some way, is your day too. :)

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