Monday, April 14, 2008

Push hard

Time to hit it hard before I leave for KC on Wednesday.

Checked the scale again this morning: down 15 lbs since coming back from Vegas. Three pounds from target, 8 from goal. This daily gallon+ of water thing is working. :)

Ran Sunday on the track, a good pace. Today, outside - it's 53 and sunny! Tomorrow a strength workout, a run outside again, and then.. I'm gone.

This way I won't have to pack running and lifting gear for KC. It'll be too warm down there, anyway, I'm sure. ;)

I do love the drive, even though it's soooo long. Lots of time to listen to music that's been piling up, lots of time to think, plan, pray.

And when I get back on Saturday.. it'll be Passover! L'Chaim! We'll have a houseful of college kids for the Seder, too. Fun!

The challenge this time while down in KC, though, will be to keep the same eating and water habits going despite the catered meeting food all day for two days. Plus, a summer intern I've been using as my personal slave for the last few weeks is coming to the meetings from Chicago, and I'll be trying to show him a nice time while we're there.

So.. moderation in all things! :) I'm still on pace for mid-May to be at my goal weight - no point in blowing a chunk of that progress on a few days of wild living and wanton dissipation.

(as in taking that third cookie from the snack table..)

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