Tuesday, April 15, 2008

mmm, very mint-y

So what do you do with a colander full of excess mint leaves?

Well, first - you puree. ;) It remarkably reduces the volume. Plus, releases the aroma & taste.

Then, for one option, you go to the store and get 3 cups of lime juice, make some sugar syrup, stir in some mint, and freeze - sorbet! :) Mmmm.. yummy.

For another, you add some mint to curry powder, oil, salt, sugar, and.. you have a marinade for chicken barbeque! (don't know about the yummy part yet, it's in the fridge waiting for me to use it.)

And finally, you blend the rest with red wine vinegar, more sugar syrup, garlic and salt, and.. presto! a sweet/sour mint sauce for lamb. (or maybe tuna steaks on the grill, we'll see.)

At least that's what *I* did with a colander full of mint leaves. One recipe for now.. two for later.

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