Sunday, April 06, 2008

Crean and crimson

That's the T-shirt they gave Tom Crean when he signed on to coach the cream and crimson of Indiana U this week.

I'm just now catching up on the story of how Marquette was dealt the blow on April Fool's Day. Just heard about it yesterday. I guess I've been thinking about other things this week. :(

It reads like a real-life love story, that took an unexpected turn - for both parties. Something neither one expected to happen.

It was not an easy decision for Crean. There were many, many, things to think through. And it was every bit an emotional decision, as well as a rational one.

Crean's decision apparently caught MU by complete surprise. It wasn't that long ago that they had renewed their committment to each other. MU thought everything was ... fine. Until Crean told them he had just committed to someone else.

Oh, he'd been pursued by others, often. Talked with others, too, some seriously. But - he always stayed. Until now.

But how could they really object? How could they hold him back?

It's a step up to something better. Better for him than they could ever hope to offer, given who they are. And they can't change that; can't become something they're not. And plus - he was following his heart.

It wasn't that he was tired of MU, not that he didn't love what he had there, the relationship he had. It's just that - this was where he needed to go. It's what his heart was calling him to. He'll be all that Indiana needs and wants right now. And he'll put his heart into it fully. Probably with no intention to ever move on again. He'll make his home with them. This one's for keeps.

How can MU say anything but.. you've given us so much! We're so much better because you were with us. We still love you and we'll miss you terribly. But you have our blessing. Go - and do your best for them. They're lucky to have you.

That's what I'd say, anyway. With tears.

I'm sure this was hard for Crean, too. He's not some self-absorbed guy who doesn't care. He does. And he's not unfeeling; he knew how this would hurt. He hurts, too. He's struggled with this, and will for a while. He still views Marquette fondly, and he will certainly miss them. But he'll be fine. He's moving forward to his future, and it will be a good one.

But MU is still reeling from the news. Everything there's been shaken, everything's being questioned. The effects of this are starting to ripple out and sink in. And they're wondering: "what do I...? How do I...?"

I wonder if they'll give him some kind of special send-off? You know, some chance for people to say goodbye properly. I'm sure it will be emotional for everyone, but.. it would be a good thing, after all those years together. It just seems like the right thing to do.

I'm sure they would have liked to hear about it some other way. Maybe they would have liked a chance to woo him, to convince him to stay.

But if they think about it - they know. :( It wouldn't have mattered. There wasn't something wrong with them. There wasn't anything they could improve. That wasn't the issue. It was just where he had to go. And it was for the right reason. He had to leave.

I get it.

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