Be Warned: there are more links than usual.
Some folks enjoy the clicking through.
Your pardon, please, if that's not you.
Kind of an artsy weekend this weekend, in a matter of speaking.
Yesterday afternoon: coffee with a friend at a little independent coffee shop that has some interesting Ethiopian art on the walls to go with the Ethiopian "art" coffee they serve. (I think of anything that isn't part of a chain as sort of an "art house" for coffee.)
Then last night a drive to an art theatre across town to grab a bite to eat and see a new movie. I hesitate to call the Landmark Theatres "art house" theatres anymore, since there's so many of them around the country now, but.. that's where the independent films go, so.. I guess they still qualify.
On the way home a stop at a big box retailer (sorry.. :( it's just cheaper than the boutique kitchen shops in Edina) to buy some "art house" cooking gadgets. :)
A green marble mortar and pestle to grind my herbs (especially rosemary) and nuts, and a really great grater/zester I learned about in my cooking class Thursday night. Wow, is it slick! Dishwasher safe and a darn sight better than using a box grater, my paring knife, or improvising with an iron rasp filched from my workbench. ;)
So after a full today day studying, interrupted by a run and capped off by Mass, tonight then, it's the Art Crawl downtown. Fun! Not as crowded as our larger sister city's Art-A-Whirl west of the river, but.. that's what makes it better. :) Everything's within a few blocks, and besides.. I know where I'm going. The other city confuses me.
Then tomorrow, church begins a series on Jesus in film (how he is portrayed by the culture, how we engage with that), with film clips & commentary as the sermon. Sounds like an "art house" church to me. Fun! :)
And, oh.. ran at the indoor track yesterday for the first time in about two weeks, since it was cold and still raining outside. Boy, is there a difference! I can see why at track meets there is an indoor and an outdoor record. My feet felt so light (a phrase I never thought I would utter in my lifetime..) in comparison to running on the asphalt around the neighborhood, up and down grades and into the wind. The result.. a new personal best time at 1.5 miles. :)
Maybe I'll try for 2 miles and for speed today, since it's still cold. Cold enough, in fact, to wake up to this:

Weird. Isn't it almost May?
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