Of course there was some installation art here and there. At least I thought that's what it was. It could have been that the dog chewed up some artwork and left it on the floor, but I'm giving the artist the benefit of the doubt...
Anyway, there was performance art, too. Synthesizers and beat boxes in the elevator,

a diggery-do in the stairwells,

fire dancers in the street

(who explained what they were using.. wads of kevlar soaked in kerosene bolted to a tire chain. Hm.)
And not all the art was painting, either, of course. We had fashion accessories made from duct tape,

table lamps (my favorite),

found objects transformed,

but, yes, lots
and lots
of sketches,
photography, digital images, too.

Every artist has a story
(some more interesting
than others..)

And every artist
a different style
(some more different than others.. )

Very cool. Even the 6th floor studios in the building where the elevator wasn't working. (signs in the stairwell: "art is good for you.. keep walking.") :)
Good thing they encouraged me with signs. My legs were a little tired from the 2 mile run earlier in the day (another personal best at that distance :) and indoors again.)
"The Reel Jesus" started off well at church today. We saw and talked about clips from 5 films: "Godspell" (think Jesus in Alice Cooper eyes, a tie-dyed shirt and a 'fro. Far out.), The Greatest Story Ever Told, Jesus Christ Superstar, The Gospel According to John, and The Last Temptation of Christ. Quite a mash-up.
Next week I'm hoping for popcorn and free refills on soda. (Excuse me.. pop. I forget where I live now.)
And this afternoon some errands. Gonna go score some concert tickets for Ingrid Michaelson, fill up a gas can for the mower and run the snowblower dry. God willing there will be no more snow this Spring. Dare I call it Spring? High only in the 40s today. Yikes!
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