Monday, May 03, 2010

Now, here's some hopeful news..


NPR this week did a piece on how unemployment is treating Baby Boomers. The upshot of it is... not well.

While the unemployment rate for Boomers is smaller than the national average (after all, we have some measure of seasoning and experience.. probably less likely to be the first out the door during a contraction), that rate is the highest since the post-WWII glut of returning military came onto the job market. Plus, the length of the period of unemployment is above the national average: nearly 9 mos!

Of course, that's only an average, with some going longer and some shorter. And naturally, some younger workers are off work longer than that as well - you probably know some! But still, with mortgage and college debts not going away anytime soon, it's a scary prospect to contemplate. My longest stretch ever without a paycheck was in 2007: 15 weeks. This one is now at 12 weeks (just feels longer because I knew it was coming about 6 weeks earlier).

So, I should be grateful! (and I am.)

But I'm still impatient. And anxious. Philippians 4:6-7 and Proverbs 12:25 come to mind. Time to preach to myself, again. :)

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